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USFDA Certified Technology
Aesthetic Technology
Complimentary consultations
Laser tailored to you

Enhance your natural features with Dermal Fillers

Designed to refresh, lift and add symmetry, Dermal Fillers add volume and structure while providing a rejuvenated, youthful, and natural appearance.

How it works

As we age, we start to lose volume in certain areas of the face which can make us look tired and sunken. This is caused by the body’s decreased ability to produce collagen and elastin.

Unlike wrinkles which require muscle relaxants to soften them, facial volume and folds require a dermal filler to help re-volumise and hydrate the area.

Made from a natural sugar already present in the human body – our dermal fillers are an affordable way to replicate the function of this naturally occurring substance and can restore fullness and volume in numerous facial areas. 

Made from a natural sugar already present in the human body – our dermal fillers are an affordable way to replicate the function of this naturally occurring substance and can restore fullness and volume in numerous facial areas. 

Individual results may vary. A consultation before the first treatment is required, so please notify us of any health conditions or medical history during this appointment. This information will ensure your individual needs are assessed and that appropriate guidance is given.

Side Effects

The most common side effects occur within 24 hours or immediately post-treatment. These include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness.

Immediate side effects usually disappear within days. However, depending on the type of Dermal Filler used, it can take a few weeks.

Next Steps

We encourage a complimentary follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-treatment to discuss your tailored treatment results.  

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Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Soften & Prevent

You don’t have to have wrinkles to know you don’t want them in your future. While their main purpose is to improve or temporarily remove existing lines, Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and put the formation of future lines on pause.

Look More Rested

With both age and repetitive muscle movement, lines settle into the face and are visible even at rest. It’s these static, 24/7 lines that can make your face look tired and fatigued. By softening those lines and wrinkles in the skin, your face looks fresher, more youthful, and relaxed.

Shape & Symmetry

Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can do more than just reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles; they can also be used to lift certain parts of the face and balance asymmetrical features.

Not Just For Wrinkles

Wrinkle Injectables can also be used to treat non-cosmetic areas. Some added benefits of treating targeted muscles can include a reduction in excessive sweating (in areas such as the underarms).


Using market-leading Cosmetic Injectable products, we produce high-quality results that embrace and enhance natural beauty.

Medical Team

Our qualified Medical Team of Doctors and Registered Nurses works closely with the Laser Clinics Medical Advisory Committee and Nurse Council to remain at the forefront of aesthetics, innovations, safety standards, and products.

Dermal Treatment Areas

Brow Lift

Your brows can sometimes appear uneven or asymmetrical. Muscle relaxing anti-wrinkle injections can increase facial symmetry and in certain cases provide a brow lift.

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Leading in standards and technology

Aesthetic Solutions has a network of over 500 Doctors and Registered Nurses. Our team is trained in the most advanced inject training:

  • Aesthetic Solutions has a Medical Advisory Committee made up of leading Dermatologists and a Medical Director, who is at the forefront of innovation, new technology, and ethical standards.


  • Aesthetic Solutions has a Nurse Council, to ensure that all Nursing standards, codes, and guidelines are adhered to. 

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